Dream Car Giveaway



Zeller, Eduard
  • German theologian and philosopher
  • leader of Tübingen School
  • used critical methods of F. C. Baur and David Strauss to question the historicity of Acts
  • rejected orthodox view of God and deity of Christ
  • pantheist
Zeno of Citium
(c 350-258 BC)
Zeno of Citium

Zeno of Citium

Zeno of Elea
(c 490-430 BC)
Zeno of Elea

Zeno of Elea

  • Follower of Parmenides.
  • He tried to prove the absurdity of believing that reality is made up of many changing things.
  • If a thing moves, it must move either where it is or where it is not.
  • But it cannot move where it is, because there it is at rest.
  • Nor can it move where it is not, because it does not even exist there.
  • So, he concluded, motion is absurd.

  • The four rational proofs of the impossibility of plurality or of motion advanced by Zeno of Elea and subsequently resolved by mathematical theory.
  • See Paradox
Zinzendorf, Nikolaus Ludwig Graf Von


  • German count
  • founded Moravian church
  • Lutheran theology, but emphasized personal experiential knowledge of God
  • Pietistic
  • allowed Moravians to stay on his estate
  • wrote hymn "Jesus, Still Lead On"

Zwemer, Samuel M.
  • US Presbyterian and Reformed church
  • missionary to the Moslem
Zwingli, Ulrich
ulrich Zwingli

ulrich Zwingli

  • Swiss leader of Reformation
  • influenced by Erasmus
  • opposed sale of mercenaries by Swiss
  • Bible, not church, is source of doctrine
  • differed with Luther over Lord's Supper
  • some of his followers broke away to form the Anabaptists whom he persecuted
  • wrote
    1. Concerning Freedom and Choice of Food
    2. Sixty-seven Conclusions
  • politically minded
  • he was killed in battle of Kappel against Catholics