Dream Car Giveaway



Gaebelein, Arno Clemens
  • US Methodist
  • Bible teacher
  • conference speaker
  • developed dispensationalist fundamentalist movement
  • worked on prophecy and Israel
  • edited Our Hope
  • wrote
    1. The Annotated Bible
    2. Revelation, an Analysis and Exposition
    3. Current Events in the Light of the Bible


Galloway, Charles B.
  • US Methodist preacher.
Garnett, Arthur Campbell
  • professor in Wisconsin
  • Realist metaphysics
  • wrote
    1. Contemporary Thought and the Return to Religion
    2. A Realistic Philosophy of Religion

Garvie, Alfred Ernest
  • Congregational Church of Scotland pastor
  • wrote The Christian Preacher.
Gasset, Jose Ortega y
Jose Ortega y Gasset

Jose Ortega y Gasset

  • professor at Madrid
  • intellect is to be subordinate to life
  • wrote
    1. Man and Crisis
    2. The Modern Theme

Geikie, John Cunningham
  • British Presbyterian became Anglican
  • author
Geiler, John
  • German Roman Catholic mystic.
  • Dewey's theory that knowledge is a collection of experiences, (i.e., the accumulation of instrumental ideas).
Gerhard, Johann
  • Lutheran theologian
  • major work was a system of dogmatics: Loci Theologici.
Gerson, Jean Charlier de
Jean Charlier de Gerson

Jean Charlier de Gerson

  • French Roman Catholic who tried to reform University of Notre Dame.

  • A holistic form of structural psychology which opposes all atomistic approaches to mind and which studies behavior in terms of the Gestalt, the structure of the whole.
Gil, Juan
(d 1556)
  • Spanish Roman Catholic converted to Reformed doctrine but condemned by Inquisition as a "Lutheran."
Gilkey, Langdon Brown
Landon Brown Gilkey

Landon Brown Gilkey

  • theologian at University of Chicago
  • wrote
    1. Shantung Compound
    2. Naming the Whirlwind

Gill, John
John Gill

John Gill

  • British Baptist pastor for 50 years in one church
  • Calvinist
  • wrote
    1. A Body of Divinity
      • A Body of Doctrinal Divinity (1767)
      • A Body of Practical Divinity (1770)
    2. The Doctrine of the Trinity Stated and Vindicated (London, 1731)
    3. The Cause of God and Truth (4 parts, 1735-8), a retort to Daniel Whitby's Five Points
    4. An Exposition of the New Testament (3 vols., 1746-8)
    5. Exposition of the Old Testament (6 vols., 1748-63)
    6. A Dissertation on the Antiquity of the Hebrew Language (1767)

Gillespie, George
George Gillespie

George Gillespie

  • Scottish Presbyterian preacher
  • Wrote Aaron's Rod Blossoming

Gilpin, Bernard
  • British Anglican preacher
  • dealt with social and educational issues
Gladden, Washington
Washington Gladden

Washington Gladden

  • Congregational pastor in Ohio
  • popularized liberal theology and social gospel
  • wrote the hymn "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee"
  • wrote
    1. Burning Questions
    2. The Christian Pastor.

Godfrey, W. Robert
  • Prof. of Church History at Wstminster Th. Sem. (Calif.)
  • pastor in Christian Reformed Church
  • helped to write
    1. Discord, Dialogue, and Concord: Studies in the Lutheran Reformation's Formula of Concord
    2. John Calvin, His Influence in the Western World
Gogarten, Friedrich


Goheen, Robert F.
Robert Goheen

Robert Goheen

Gomarus, Franciscus
Franciscus Gomarus

Franciscus Gomarus

Goodman, Christopher
  • British Reformer
Goodwin, Thomas
Thomas Goodwin

Thomas Goodwin

  • British Congregational Puritan
  • became a Separatist through influence of John Cotton
  • moved to Holland after harassment by Archbishop Laud
  • advisor to Oliver Cromwell
  • wrote a collection of sermons
  • a favorite of Alexander Whyte

Gordon, Adoniram Judson
Adoniram Judson Gordon

Adoniram Judson Gordon

  • US Baptist preacher
  • founded Gordon College.

Gordon, Charles William
  • Canadian Presbyterian international pastor.
Gordon, George Angier
  • Scottish Congregational liberal pastor in Boston for over 40 years.
Gore, Charles
Charles Gore

Charles Gore

  • Anglican liberal bishop

Gossip, Arthur John
  • Presbyterian topical preacher.
(c 805-869)
Graham, William (Billy)
Billy Graham

Billy Graham

Billy Graham

Billy Graham

  • US Baptist, evangelist
  • Wrote
    1. Angels: God's Secret Agents
    2. How to be Born Again

Gray, Andrew
  • pastor
  • converted by witness of a beggar
  • Writing contained in The Works of Andrew Gray
Gray, James Martin
James M. Gray

James M. Gray

  • US Reformed Episcopal
  • President of Moody Bible Institute

Grebel, Conrad
(c 1498-1526)
  • Founder of Swiss Anabaptist and first Free Church congregation.
Green, Ashbel
Ashbel Green

Ashbel Green

Green, Thomas Hill
Greer, David H.
  • US Episcopal pastor.
Gregory I (the Great)
Gregory I

Gregory I

  • Pope who began medieval period of church
  • known for Gregorian Chant
  • first to teach doctrine of Purgatory
  • wrote Rules for Pastors

Gregory of Nazianzus
Gregory of Nazianzus

Gregory of Nazianzus

  • Cappadocian theologian whose formula of Trinity became orthodox view.
  • Close friend of Gregory of Nyssa

Gregory of Nyssa
(c 330-395)
Gregory of Nyssa

Gregory of Nyssa

  • Cappadocian theologian whose formula of Trinity became orthodox view.
  • Close friend of Gregory of Nazianzus

Gregory of Rimini
  • Italian philosopher became an Augustinian monk
  • emphasized grace of God in salvation
Grindal, Edmund
  • Anglican preacher
Groot, Gerard
  • Dutch Roman Catholic who founded Brethren of the Common Life
Grotius, Hugo
Hugo Grotius

Hugo Grotius

  • Dutch jurist and statesman
  • government theory of atonement
  • the founder of international law

Grudem, Wayne A.
Wayne A. Grudem

Wayne A. Grudem

  • Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
  • wrote The Gift of Prophecy in I Corinthians

Gunsaulus, Frank Wakely
Frank Gunsaulus

Frank Gunsaulus

  • Chicago preacher.

Guthrie, James
  • Scottish Presbyterian martyred.
Guthrie, Thomas
  • Free Church of Scotland preacher.
Guthrie, William
  • Scottish Covenanter
  • wrote The Christian's Great Interest
Gutierrez, Gustavo
Gustavo Gutierrez

Gustavo Gutierrez

  • Latin American Roman Catholic theologian
  • liberation theology.

Guyon, Madame
Madame Guyon

Madame Guyon

  • French mystic
  • strive for spiritual perfection through disinterested love of God and complete obedience to Him.